@home Magazine

47 michigandesign.com Weinstein’s new kitchen opens to a view of her home office space. Her goal was to add both space and light to the home, so she chose oversized windows that overlook the terrace. Appliances are integrated into the cabinetry for a clean look. 4 5 It may not look like much activity is happening during the first couple of months, but this is the time that plans and materials are finalized and building permits are secured. This is the perfect time to create a system to keep track of the details for each room, and keep samples of all fabrics and finishes from each room for reference. This will save a great deal of time when communicating with installers and other professionals, and when shopping for accessories when the space is complete. Once the project hits its stride, things start to happen quickly. Good research and planning will lead to clearer decisions and fewer change orders. The ability to be decisive and stick to the plan will save time and money in this phase of the project. BE PATIENT EVERYTHING COMES TOGETHER